Magneto SEO: Best Practices to Follow in 2024

Magneto SEO

If you’re a business owner with a Magento website, having a strong understanding of SEO is key to driving traffic and boosting sales. Magento stores offer unique features and capabilities that require specialized SEO strategies, and keeping up with the latest best practices in Magento SEO can increase your store’s visibility on search engines like … Read more

Categories SEO

Is It Possible To Get Banned From Google?


Can you get banned from Google? Absolutely. Whether it’s an individual Google account or a website’s presence in search results, Google has strict policies and guidelines to maintain the integrity of its services. Violations like black hat SEO techniques, spamming, malware distribution, and other forms of misconduct can lead to suspensions or permanent bans. Getting … Read more

Can You Remove or Reverse a 301 Redirect?


Sometimes, you may need to change the location of certain information on your website. Maybe you need to reorganize your site’s structure, update old content, or migrate to a new domain. In these cases, setting up a 301 redirect ensures visitors and search engines are directed to the new location. But what if you need … Read more

Behavioral Marketing: What You Need to Know

If you sell products or services online, you’re likely using some type of behavioral marketing tactics to help reach your target audience. And if you aren’t, you should be. Behavioral marketing is a strategy that uses data on consumer behaviors and interactions to create personalized and targeted marketing efforts and influence purchase behavior. Recent data … Read more

Remarketing vs Retargeting: Explaining The Difference

As a business owner, knowing how to engage with your customers is key to building strong relationships and driving sales. Two terms often thrown around in the digital marketing world are “remarketing” and “retargeting.” While they might sound similar, they represent distinct strategies aimed at re-engaging your audience. The main difference between remarketing and retargeting … Read more

Ultimate Guide To A Successful Ecommerce Strategy in 2024

To stay relevant in today’s digital landscape, having a solid strategy that evolves with technology and market preferences is pretty much a non-negotiable for anyone with an ecommerce store. How do you build an ecommerce strategy that drives growth and stays ahead in 2024? We’ll share our top tips, including how to leverage AI, optimizing … Read more

Search Engine Positioning: What You Should Know

What is Search Engine Positioning? Search engine positioning SEO refers to the process and strategies used to ensure a website shows up on search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google or Bing. The goal is to get a website to appear higher up in the search results for specific keywords or phrases that are relevant … Read more

Categories SEO

What is Conversion Rate Optimization? (CRO): 10 Tips

Most ecommerce business owners spend significant time and resources drawing traffic to their websites. After all, more traffic means more sales, right? Ideally, yes. But only if you can convert visitors into actual paying customers. That’s where conversion rate optimization comes in. CRO marketing helps increase your bottom line by encouraging customers to take a … Read more

Categories SEO

Keyword Cannibalization: How To Identify, Fix & Prevent It

If you’ve noticed your SEO rankings slipping or you start to experience lower conversion rates, you may have a keyword cannibalization issue where your site is targeting the same keyword on too many pages. The good news is, fixing keyword cannibalization isn’t incredibly difficult, and with a little bit of knowledge and careful planning you … Read more

Categories SEO